Monday, January 28, 2013

First time blogger. What to do!!??

So I have decided to start a blog!! Why? Im not quite sure...Jumping on the bandwagon I guess :) I have no idea what to do so I am just going to type. What about? Anything that comes to my head. Feelings. Thoughts. Memories. Ideas. Boys. Work. Home. Life.
Maybe I should introduce myself first thats a start!
Well I am a 26yr old African American woman, born in Tasmania (dont judge me) and living in Melbourne. I work full-time (in a new job, which I love). Currently single...although status that doesnt change very often. Loud, in your face, dysfunctional, super supportive family who I would be nothing without.
Well tonight is my housemates EP launch which will be super exciting for her! I hope it all turns out great. Its a huge step for her. This could be it. This could be her next step to stardom...sounds corny but its true. Its a huge deal, im very proud of her!
However I am not myself this week. Im exhausted. Mentally and physically. Lots of things going through my head. Im good at pretending its all good but it always stays in the back of my mind....Ahhhh typical Virgo.
I should continue getting ready im going to slap on a smile and perk up!! I will let you know how the night pans out

AB xx.